Does Rod Stewart watch "The Office"? According to TMZ's Leslie Harris, apparently!
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TMZ: That's What Sh... Rod Stewart Said.
The Commonwealth Doesn't Smoke THAT Much

OFFICIAL: Barack-Berry To Stay

President Barack Obama - The first Black President and now, the first Wired President. Details here.
Scranton Movie Casting Info
An independent film that will start shooting in NEPA January 31.
It's described as a gritty, redemptive story about a father and son reconnecting while on the run from their past, and is being directed by William Wedig (Tryst, Rise Of The Dead).
The movie stars Paul Calderon (Pulp Fiction, 21 Grams), Manny Perez (Pride and Glory), Margo Martindale (Million Dollar Baby), David Castro (Where God Left His Shoes) and Kevin Breznahan (Superbad, There Will Be Blood).
Aspiring actors can take a shot at gaining a role in the film during auditions on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days at the Holiday Inn in Dunmore. Producers are looking to fill roles described as "bar patrons" and "muscular, tattooed inmates."
The film is also looking for PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS and DRIVERS.
Jonas Brothers Surprise Obama Kids


01.21.09 : Lady GaGa - Poker Face
A woman who wishes to remain anonymous seeks The Wingman's advice on her unfulfilling, long-distance relationship.

Initial Wingman Response:
Reaction #1:
Reaction #2:
Reaction #3:
Visit The Wingman on MySpace.
Barack Still Rocks The Berry
The Ralphie Radio Show's Washington D.C. Correspondent SAM EDELSTEIN (Tuesday)
Ralphie couldn't make it to D.C. for the Presidential Inauguration, so he checks in with his former Syracuse University roommate Sam, who attended the day's festivities.

NY MAG: Mrs. Obama's Inaugural Outfit
Ralphie checked in with New York Magazine fashion blogger Amy Odell to find out the sources of the outfit Michelle Obama wore to the inauguration of her husband, President Barack Obama.

Produced by Dr. Dre, f. Chris Brown... Backstreet will be Back this spring...
BTW, this shouldn't surprise anyone, especially if you listened to Howie talk about the new CD on my show last fall...
OCEANUP Links To Alex (The Cab)/Demi Lovato Interview

Big ups to OceanUp, a gossip blog covering tween stars, which linked to my interview with Alex & Ian from The Cab. Of course, of note to the site was about 4:00 in, when I ask Alex about Disney star Demi Lovato.
Inauguration Crashes D.C., Internet

And I still can't log on to Facebook.
President's Obama's Oath & Inaugural Address
Ralphie's Ex-Roomie Reports From The Inauguration...
Ralphie couldn't make it to D.C. for the Presidential Inauguration, so he checks in with his former Syracuse University roommate Sam, who happens to live in the area and will be attending the week's festivities.

RALPHIE REPORT: The Cab/Demi Lovato; Obama

The following will appear Wednesday in The Weekender.
Surely it was uncomfortable enough in the back of that Posten Taxi, even before I asked the question about his alleged girlfriend…
Don’t get the wrong idea, nothing shady going on. Just another genius (read: cliché) idea conjured up by the 97 BHT staff (shout out Adam!): Let’s interview Alex DeLeon and Ian Crawford of The Cab… in a cab.
So Alex, Ian, and I piled in to the backseat of the yellow taxi waiting outside T.G.I. Friday’s, where we just ate lunch with a lucky 97 BHT listener and two members of The Academy Is… . We chatted about the band’s relationship with label-head and Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz (Alex says they go back and forth over text messaging, with light-hearted jabs like “asshole”), and the shows planned for this spring (We The Kings, Forever The Sickest Kids among the tour-mates).
Then, with a bit of guilt looming (and I NEVER feel guilty about this kind of stuff), I asked the singer of “Bounce” about his personal relationship with Disney star Demi Lovato. On-line forums and Wikipedia pages were filled with rumors about the couple – from dating to not dating, joint statements, and more.
“Me and Demi are really, really close. I mean, we’re great…” DeLeon said before catching himself, presumably trying not to out themselves but also not tell a straight-up lie on camera (the segment can be viewed at
“We like to hang out, we’re really, really close,” he reiterated. “I actually just got off the phone with her.”
I quickly asked him to send our regards to Lovato, as well as to rag on her a bit… she almost missed her show this summer with the Jonas Brothers at Montage Mountain due to not catching a flight.
While the country is swept up in the inauguration of our 44th President and first black Commander-In Chief, Barack Obama, the new leader of the free world, attempts to keep a freedom of his own: the use of his BlackBerry.
CNBC quoted Mr. Obama as saying the Secret Service would have to “pry (the BlackBerry) out of his hands.” The financial network estimates that a figure of $10-15 million could be placed on our new president’s endorsement of the device.
Both sides of the argument seem to hold some validity: Obama contends that a president should not have to rely solely on others to receive information and contact others on the outside. However, The Secret Service worries about security breaches, especially with the e-mails the President could be sending and receiving.
The President is aware of such issues, noting that he realizes anything in these e-mails could end up in a newspaper, and would compose the messages with this in mind.
And if you’re wondering, CNBC also reports that President Obama enjoys Planters Trail Mix, Honest Tea, Ray-Ban sunglasses, Nike training clothes, and Asics running shoes. He may be attempting to cut government spending, but don’t call the man “cheap.”