sorry for the image quality - given the light (or lackthereof), it was the best my vaio's on-board web cam could do.
anyways, the long weekend is in full swing. i hope you're finding time to break from labor and spend time with those close to you. i am blogging from my fam's backyard, watching the sun set as the wind bristles against the water of our inground pool, all while typing, fending off the occasional mosquito, and of course, sipping my labatt blue light.
in related news - my mom bought a case of labatt summer brews... i didn't even know such things existed - i'll let you know how johnny labatt's take on honey lager and other summer favorites fare.
enjoy these next couple days off, i'll catch you back on the radio tuesday evening with a brand new segment - the daily download. yes, it's as cool as it sounds.