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5 Foods To Try For 2009

- Quinoa
- Nut Butters
- Flax Seed (Good stuff)
- Dried Fruits
The full article is here. All of the aforementioned foods could help you make that resolution in 2009.
The Whopper Sacrifice
WNY'er Not Making Me Proud...

Please, don't drink and drive.
WINGMAN WEDNESDAY: Moving Out Of The "Friend Zone"
The Wingman helps a listener move in on a friend who is being mistreated by her boyfriend.

JOSSIP: Beyonce's Bad Breath.
Ralphie read an interesting story on Jossip.com about Beyonce's alleged bad breath. So, Jossip Editor Drew Grant phoned in the details to The Ralphie Radio Show.

Joe The Plu... Reporter.

Yet Joe The Plumber just landed a reporting gig.
Guys Cuddle Sweaters

Live Vlog From The Radisson...
For a full list of NEPA Blood Drives, click here.
Daily News Article (Print Version)
And now, my name and 97 BHT - in print - in the New York Daily News "Gatecrasher" column - right under Rihanna's name.

Diet Trumps Exercise


(Undated photo of Rev. Gregory Malia)
Big thank you to Sean Evans, who is the lead reporter for the Daily News on the Rev. Gregory Malia story and a co-author of the infectious "Gatecrasher" column in the NYDN.
Read the article, with my quotes, here.
SamRon & LiLo Still Together...

we did NOT break up!
access hollywood, extra, et, every tabloid, page six... AND every GOSSIP website. Get your stories straight please. It's really annoying to have all of your friends emailing you saying, i saw, i read, etc... NOT TRUE
:) xoxox Lindsay"
Save Lives, Win a 42" Plasma...

I'll be hanging out at The Radisson in downtown Scranton this Wednesday with the American Red Cross. Winter is a tough season for blood donations, but the demand for it in local hospitals remains steady. Come out this Wednesday afternoon and donate. You'll save a few lives, we'll feed you, and enter you in a drawing to win a 42" Plasma TV.
More info here.
Doctors Find Breast Cancer gene spreader...

A nice win for the good guys (and gals)... read all about it here. Also coming in February - The Ralphie Radio Show teams up with local high schools and the Komen Foundation for a little hoops, awareness, and fundraising. Details to follow...
RALPHIE REPORT: Partying Priest leads to Daily News Collab

The following will appear in this Wednesday's edition of The Weekender.
An appearance by a disgraced pastor at a 97 BHT event led to a major collaboration between The Ralphie Report and the New York Daily News.
As of late Sunday evening, a reporter from the Daily News and me were in contact, exchanging e-mails. A phone interview followed Monday.
This second stream of communication began with revelation of a cameo by Episcopal Reverend Gregory Malia at “Club HD” – the Thursday night 18-and-up party held weekly inside Evolution at The Woodlands Inn & Resort. The evening in question fell two weeks before Christmas.
It seems the news won’t get better in the New Year for Fr. Greg, who found himself as the subject of a Daily News Sunday edition article last week. The piece cited various sources in outlining nights where Malia would spend tens of thousands of dollars on bottle service at posh nightclubs located throughout Manhattan, primarily in the Chelsea district. Some were quoted as mentioning that Malia was both a generous purchaser and tipper – sending bottles of Dom Perignon to complete strangers, all while throwing down thousands of dollars – and in some cases – shopping sprees as gratuity.
The day the article ran, Bishop Paul V. Marshall of the Diocese of Bethlehem, called for a probe in to the allegations, while stripping Malia of his priestly duties. Bishop Marshall previously appointed Malia vicar of St. James, a summers-only parish in Dundaff.
As widely speculated and confirmed by the Bishop – the small parish isn’t the revenue source of the outlandish Manhattan lifestyle. Rather, Malia’s spending is a result of his pharmacy. New Life Home Care launched in 2000 and specializes in medicines for blood disorders. According to the Daily News, the priest is a hemophiliac.
But this story seems far from finished with news of a rumored night of clubbing right here in Northeastern PA, as well as photos that emerged last week. The shots, printed in the Daily News, depict the pastor partying at New York hotspot Pink Elephant with short-skirted cocktail waitresses while shots were served and bottles handed out.
As of press time, the Diocese’s committee had not reached a decision regarding Malia. But, the Diocese’s website still contains Bishop Marshall’s initial statement, along with a running list of links to various news articles on the events. Yes, there’s even a link to the Daily News’s photo gallery of Fr. Greg inside Pink Elephant.
Call the Diocese what you’d like, but you’d be remiss to call them secretive.
Jon Bon Jovi will perform a fundraiser concert for Senator and soon-to-be Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The event, scheduled for later this month, could run you as much as $1,500 per ticket. But if you can afford admission, you will be afforded an intimate performance with the Garden State singer inside Manhattan’s Town Hall.
Clinton is still millions of dollars in debt from her 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Is "Cougar" an offensive term to women? Ralphie asked Jill Brooke, editor of First Wives World...

DAILY DOWNLOAD: Skillz - Rap Up 2008
RALPHIE REWIND: Human or Dancer?
Ralphie read in Rolling Stone that The Killers' front man Brandon Flowers thought it was annoying that people didn't get the hook of the band's track, "Human". Well, Ralphie was one of those people, until this caller...

Read the Rolling Stone article here.
WINGMAN WEDNESDAY: New Year's Creepin Eve...
The Wingman shares some knowledge on mixing creepin', boozin', and New Year's Eve...

Visit The Wingman on MySpace.
Soap Operas Say Safe-Sex Is Okay.
Article is here.
Is "Cougar" An Offensive Term?

Thankfully, Jill Brooke of FirstWivesWorld.com doesn't think so - read her editorial here and gather your thoughts - because Jill will defend her's Monday on The Ralphie Radio Show.
Pictures of NEPA'a Partying Priest...

The New York Daily News continues its coverage of Father Gregory Malia of Wilkes-Barre with these pictures taken inside Pink Elephant, an exclusive NYC club and one of Fr. Greg's many haunts...
Happy New Year!
- Go to Church!!! This carries over from last year - I did a great job the first half of the year, and fell apart in the second.
- More Blog Threads!!! Of course, the holidays always affect the number of posts to this site, but I am making more of a consistent effort in 2009 to not only post more, but report more, break exclusives more, and share more pictures from my events/life occurances.
And on with the 2009...