Interviewing celebrities, breaking national stories, blogging daily, and offering candid commentary on pop culture is just a small sample of what he does. Ralphie Aversa is the relentless, tireless, non-stop-always-go host and executive producer of “The Ralphie Radio Show.”
Check out his links above, and his blog below - and thanks for swinging through!
the story regarding magician-extrordinaire david copperfield continues to evolve and seem more bizzare than any of his disappearing acts. although, if this keeps up, he might want to cue up one of those. this lady just came forward to tmz with more details of copperfield's scheme - bringing women on stage or spotting them in the crowd - using assistants to sweep his hand-picked victims, err... "participants" on stage or backstage - and then trying to woo them with vacations to his homes on the bahamas.
jessica simpson couldn't even speak coherently on issues such as the origin of tuna fish.
now, she's joining the ladies of the view. if this isn't a reason to set your tivo, i don't know what is. simpson is filling in for the pregnant elisabeth hasselbeck.
"[Taco Bell] unveiled a promotion it is calling "Steal a Base, Steal a Taco," which will run through the best-of-seven matchup. [...] When the first base is stolen, the unit of Yum Brands Inc, will announce... when consumers will be able to walk into the chain's participating 5,800 outlets and ask for a free taco. Anyone who walks into a participating outlet during the give-away period would be eligible for a free taco."
not that we care about the series anyways - other than of course, seeing the red sox get slaughtered by the rockies - but aren't we obese enough? now we need free tacos?
hear clips from this riveting interview on tonight's show... it's tyra banks talking with lance bass and former girlfriend danielle fishel, also known as topenga from boy meets world.
the title of this posting could be used to describe the new spice girls song. in my opinion, these ladies were doing fine on their own. this could end up ruining the little legacy the group did have in pop culture.
interested in listening for yourself? click here. i'll play the hook tonight after 9 to get your thoughts.
it doesn't surprise me. it really doesn't. according to new poll results, stephen colbert is actually beating some of the democratic contenders for the presidency.
late last week, colbert announced his intentions to run for the white house.
kid rock busted over the weekend in atlanta after a good 'ole fashioned waffle house scuffle. rock and his crew were pulled over in their tour bus about a mile away from the scene of the crime, which is also allegedly home to america's best late-night syrupy breakfast. but could this event have been prevented? watch this interview rock did with cnn a couple weeks ago and judge for yourself.
of course when the video ends, make sure to quickly pause and shake your head in dismay.
hate him or love him - you gotta love kanye the musician, and kanye the entrepeneur. of course, not too long ago kanye launched his blog off of his official website. it's a nice break from the usual bloggings you probably read on an hourly basis.
now kanye's taking the blog to a new level. he just released a free mixtape on his blog. track listing looks pretty dope too.
remember when britney ran over that reporter? well that reporter worked for our friends at tmz. and that reporter's tire-treaded sock is getting over $1,000 right now on ebay...
jake gyllenhall certainly isn't helping the perception that perez hilton is trying to conjure up of the brokeback mountain star's hidden sexual orientation. peep this excerpt of a recent interview with uk's daily news...
"Daily Mail: Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with?
Gyllenhaal: I know this isn't quite the same, but I was stuck in a woman's bathroom once with Susan Sarandon. She was interviewing me for a magazine and we couldn't find a battery for our recording device so we ended up in a woman's bathroom. I discovered two things that day: that the floor in a woman's bathroom is colder than the floor in the men's. And, believe me, I've spent a lot of time on the floor of a men's bathroom so I should know!"
why not purchase a special something for that loved one... you can order all of the above from amy winehouse's website. nothing says, "i love you," like a pint glass, an ash tray, and a dvd, all emblazed with the name and likeness of a celebrity who is consistently busted for the abuse of drugs, going as far as to defiantely sing that she won't go to rehab.
another beginning of the week here at the scenic bht world headquarters. after a record-breaking night of uninterrupted sleep, which commenced and an unheard of time (the snoring began before 2 am), i awoke around 1, refreshed and ready for whatever the day would throw at me.
only a couple hours later, the answer is isn't much. i actually just found out that i will be able to spend the entire thanksgiving weekend back with close friends and family in niagara falls. the gf and i had coordinated our holiday travel plans - with her meeting me here in wilkes-barre, and together leaving for western new york. she won't have to be back in her connecticut office until monday either, so now neither of us will cut our weekend short.
what else is going on... thanks again for stopping out to ragz. what a fun time in dallas. can't wait to do it again this weekend - as we throw a costume party. yes, i am dressing up. no, you cannot find out what my costume is until you stop by ragz. besides, your costume gets you no cover and a five dollar voucher. holler.
turned on msnbc today. through the coverage of the ravaging fires blazing throughout malibu and san diego, uprooting celebs and citizens alike, i noticed the brand new msnbc studios. msnbc and nbc have a brand new state-of-the-art newsroom and studio now at 30 rock in manhattan. previously, msnbc called secaucus, nj their home. the newer digs on tv look amazing. thankfully, i received a personal tour of msnbc when it still lied within the swamps of secacus. hopefully i can snag a insider's view of the new building.
week number three of club bht at ragz on memorial highway went soooo well. definitely had a blast partying with everyone from misericordia, penn state, wilkes, and everyone else who showed up.
also big thanks to marino for joining in on the party. pics below yo.