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- travis came out and spit 16 bars before "the takeover, the break's over." why don't they hop in the studio and remix that?
- according to my sources, pete wentz and ashlee simpson are STILL an item.
- "this ain't a scene" looked like a full out theatrical performance. the big words on the video screen - the huge flames - hotness, literally.
- set lasted about an hour and a half.
- how is a philly establishment sold out of cheesesteaks?
- wachovia spectrum - sucks. everything else, including philly - amazing.
later tonight/tomorrow - video, full review, pictures. stay tuned!
the group treated philly to a couple acoustic performances, including a solo version of "golden."
pete told the crowd right before this song that we'd hear a longer set - the group won't be playing in the states for much longer (overseas tour for once).
gotta jet - the takeover, the break's over!!!
here comes "i'm like a lawyer (me & you)"
patrick's voice is unearthing. lovin' it.
meeee andddd youuuuuuu :)
bad - the atm is located 30 miles from where we're sitting.
ugly - can't pay with credit cards at the concessions. wtf with this place.
the spec looks pretty full. no seating on the floor - and its packed like sardines halfway to the end.
the three of us are sitting on stage left, in the press box. no free food or wireless internet. basically i'm lost.
love gch, but i've seen them multiple times already. i'm ready for fob.
you know the concert is comprised of emo-friendly bands when... the merch line is jam packed, and there's no wait at the concessions stand :X
gym class heroes are now. geneva, ny stand up! started with "cupid's chokehold." went into "the queen and i." now travis is gabbing.
yes - favorite song now. ttyl after their set.
waiting for justin to get back from the men's room - then it's off to our seats.
merch line is sick. marino and i are eyeing the fob hoodies. we are not eyeing the seven dollar beers... yet.
i think the chances of checking out cute is what we aim for are slim. maybe the show starts an hour late? let's hope.
anywho, im doing marino's show now til 6, then its off to philly for the big show. expect a blog update or seven on the way down.
ps i really hope we don't miss the performance of cute is what we aim for. wny represent!
k back to the show. later skater.