Via Business Insider...
1. You're not going to go back to waiting an hour to send an email to 30 people with 40 photos. attached.
2. How will you remember anybody's birthday?
3. How will you stalk your college boyfriend's new fiancé?
4. Without Facebook what are you going to do when you don't have a friend's email address or phone number? Facebook messaging blows. But at least you know you can reach anybody who has a Facebook account.
5. Forget Facebook. 80 million of you are addicted to Zygna's Facebook game, FarmVille.
6. It takes 2 seconds to "join" a new site through Facebook Connect. It can take a good 10 minutes doing it the old way. (Care to subscribe to these magazines?)
7. How will you hear about parties? How will you remember where and when those parties are? Evite?
8. You don't care about Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg's sometimes sketchy past
9. Sure, Facebook has privacy issues, but you don't care about privacy anymore. Remember when you wouldn't use your real name on the Internet?
10. You've never quit before. Remember News Feed? Beacon? You didn't quit then and won't now, either. Not even if you want to.