(click above to check out their latest music video)
What’s the most rock star thing you’ve ever done?
Benji Madden: I smoked a cigarette on a plane one time in my seat, how about that? I got a little tattoo on my face, I’ll never be able to work another real job so I consider that to be kinda forcing myself to stick to music.
Who’s the coolest person you ever met?
Joel Madden: I think Billie Joe Armstrong is probably one of the coolest musicians I’ve ever met because he’s so down to earth for being in such a big band.
Benji Madden: I bummed a cigarette off of Alec Baldwin, that was pretty cool.
Joel Madden: I met Eric Clapton one time, he was really cool.
What’s on your current playlist?
Joel Madden: My favorite band right now is the Kooks.
Benji Madden: Oh, that Silverchair album would have to be one of them. And I just got a Chimera record, It’s pretty dope, really good riffs.
What was your favorite album when you were fourteen years old?
Joel Madden: Probably Dookie, Green Day.
Benji Madden: Nevermind by Nirvana. That was a big one for me.
What’s the essence of Good Charlotte?
Benji Madden: I think the soul of Good Charlotte is just feeling good. A lot of bands don’t really like each other. I read an Interpol interview the other day, it was a really good interview because it was showing a different aspect of a band. They don’t really like each other — they work together and they kinda exist together and that’s how they like it. They’re like, “we didn’t get into this band looking for friends.” The three of us actually started this band when we were in tenth grade and I think we still have that attitude. I think what defines our band is really that you know we’re just living our dream and making records that we love and having a good time.
What happens when the band gets drunk together?
Joel Madden: [Bassist] Paul [Thomas] is really honest when he’s drunk. When he gets really drunk he will tell me what he thinks of every decision I’ve made in my life. It’s pretty refreshing in a weird way. And very loving. I got all this work done to the front of my house. [Mocking] “All that work you put into the front of your house, you’re probably just wasting your money because I know you you’re probably gonna move in a year and all that money you dumped into it isn’t really bringing the value up.” I was like, thanks man, I was really proud of it, thanks a lot.