don't worry, plenty more where this came from here.
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joe bros giveaway inside the mall at steamtown
thank you thank you thank you.
as a teenager growing up in niagara falls, i constantly dragged parents and friends to concerts and autograph signings. from toronto to rochester, i left no stone unturned. a wwe wrestler in canada? there. buffalo sabres flying in to the niagara falls airport at 2a? c'mon dad, time to go.
furthermore, i lived with a younger sister that experienced the rise of boy bands. so i watched as she called radio stations frantically attempting to score backstage passes, while eventually offering a little help when i could, now that i'm surrounded by the access.
i'm sure as a parent or guardian, aunt or cousin, nothing pleasures you more than to see your beloved child happy. and whether "happy" means meeting the jonas brothers or simply attending the show on the lawn, you're willing to go to almost any parameter to make it happen.
at bht, and as someone who experienced this personally, it's understood that this isn't an easy task. to some extent, i can imagine what the past few weeks have been like. moments of hope, moments of failure - times when you smiled, and others when you wanted to cry.
all we ask is that at the end of the day, you put things in to perspective - realize what matters most in life - and understand that there's only so much bht, or for that matter, any entity can do - and trust me, we did everything in our powers to make sure the most amount of people could enjoy tonight's jonas brothers show. plus, we were sure to act in a fair and understanding manner throughout.
thank you for listening, and reading - and please - enjoy the show.
dating lindsay lohan is good business...

this article on abc news explains more, including why samantha isn't necessarily the best DJ in the world as far as mixing and working the wheels, yet picks all the right songs.

ronson recently spun at my old stomping grounds of central new york, throwing down at lava nightclub inside the turning stone casino and resort in verona, ny.

and these kids look way too happy.
texting leads to hurting...

yes, this is an actual news story.
chris brown & ne-yo snag fresher breath...
RALPHIE REWIND: boobies or groupies in PCD track?
When PCD grows up, do they want boobies or groupies? Ralphie asks what you think the Dolls are saying in their new song.
Judge for yourself below!
bennigan's in nepa still open...
chris crocker to leave youtube alone...
olbermann + mchale = awesomeness.
bluetooth is insecure...
travis mccoy of gym class heroes interview...
sara bareilles inside the mall at steamtown...
we the kings interview...
We The Kings provided Ralphie Aversa with shelter from the rain, water, towels, and an interview about their recent success!
katy perry interview...
Katy Perry invited Ralphie Aversa on to her tour bus for an exclusive interview after the Vans Warped Tour at Toyota Pavilion at Montage Mountain. Katy chats with Ralphie about her hit song, her boyfriend, and meeting Barbara Walters!
For full Warped Tour Coverage - click here. Or, view Ralphie's recap below:
counting crows interview...
Ralphie Aversa chatted with guitarist David Immerglück and drummer Jim Bogios of the Counting Crows backstage before the band's show at Toyota Pavilion at Montage Mountain. Topics include the deterioration of music quality, Mr. Jones, Accidentally In Love, & more!
maroon 5 interview...
Ralphie Aversa and special backstage correspondent Jen sat down with Jesse Carmichael of Maroon 5 before the band peformed at Toyota Pavilion at Montage Mountain!
so i went home two weekends ago...
seriously, my bad.
how many items of food/beverage/electronics do you spy?