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Interviewing celebrities, breaking national stories, blogging daily, and offering candid commentary on pop culture is just a small sample of what he does. Ralphie Aversa is the relentless, tireless, non-stop-always-go host and executive producer of “The Ralphie Radio Show.” Check out his links above, and his blog below - and thanks for swinging through!


britney confuses everyone - kids included...

from page six...

"“Jamie told Kevin that Britney handled the visit well. She actually did cry, but that was only because Sean cried when she took them from Kevin,” says the insider.

Britney has her own way of trying to soothe her sons. "Britney always sings to them. She loves lullabies. In fact, before the split, both Britney and Kevin sang to the boys every night."

The boys are said to be confused when it comes to their mom, which is another reason why either Jamie Spears or a psychologist is present during the visits."

don't worry kids, you're not the only ones...

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