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Interviewing celebrities, breaking national stories, blogging daily, and offering candid commentary on pop culture is just a small sample of what he does. Ralphie Aversa is the relentless, tireless, non-stop-always-go host and executive producer of “The Ralphie Radio Show.” Check out his links above, and his blog below - and thanks for swinging through!


the britney crotch shot - 2008 version...

a fresh two hours outta the ucla medical center... i understand she literally has photogs up her rear but really, there HAS TO BE a way to prevent this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how rude to post that picture! she is a sad girl that dosnt know what to do with her life!I agree that she needs help but I feel very sorry for her because she didn't have a very good home life.I can see how that could effect her life.I hope you unterstand and take personally what I said about britney.