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Interviewing celebrities, breaking national stories, blogging daily, and offering candid commentary on pop culture is just a small sample of what he does. Ralphie Aversa is the relentless, tireless, non-stop-always-go host and executive producer of “The Ralphie Radio Show.” Check out his links above, and his blog below - and thanks for swinging through!


tonight on the ralphie radio show.

michael hundgen from tmz tonight - just before 8 and around 9:30 - with the latest on lindsay lohan's relapse and britney's court appearance...

club x guest list just after 7!

the gallery of sound top 8 @ 8!

and... why did i fight last night with a friday's waitress? find out during the countdown...

the ralphie radio show w. ralphie aversa. 7-12a est - online at 97bht.com.

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